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Variation in species’ responses to abiotic phenological cues under climate change may cause changes in temporal overlap among interacting taxa, with potential demographic consequences. Here, we examine associations between the abiotic environment and plant–pollinator phenological synchrony using a long‐term syrphid fly–flowering phenology dataset (1992–2011). Degree‐days above freezing, precipitation, and timing of snow melt were investigated as predictors of phenology. Syrphids generally emerge after flowering onset and end their activity before the end of flowering. Neither flowering nor syrphid phenology has changed significantly over our 20‐year record, consistent with a lack of directional change in climate variables over the same time frame. Instead we document interannual variability in the abiotic environment and phenology. Timing of snow melt was the best predictor of flowering onset and syrphid emergence. Snow melt and degree‐days were the best predictors of the end of flowering, whereas degree‐days and precipitation best predicted the end of the syrphid period. Flowering advanced at a faster rate than syrphids in response to both advancing snow melt and increasing temperature. Different rates of phenological advancements resulted in more days of temporal overlap between the flower–syrphid community in years of early snow melt because of extended activity periods. Phenological synchrony at the community level is therefore likely to be maintained for some time, even under advancing snow melt conditions that are evident over longer term records at our site. These results show that interacting taxa may respond to different phenological cues and to the same cues at different rates but still maintain phenological synchrony over a range of abiotic conditions. However, our results also indicate that some individual plant species may overlap with the syrphid community for fewer days under continued climate change. This highlights the role of interannual variation in these flower–syrphid interactions and shows that species‐level responses can differ from community‐level responses in nonintuitive ways.  相似文献   
Colour is one of several stimuli used by herbivorous insects in host choice. Insects have between 2 and 5 different types of photoreceptors to catch quanta of different wavelengths of the spectrum. Many insects have been shown to possess opponent neural interactions between the receptors that enable them to see colour. I present simple models to describe colour choices as functions of the receptor quantum catches and linear interactions of the receptor types. Models are applied to data sets obtained from own experiments and from the literature, on Pieris brassicae and P. rapae (Lepidoptera, Pieridae), Papilio aegeus (Papilionidae), Dacus oleae (Diptera, Tephritidae) and Eristalis tenax (Syrphidae). In fruit flies, detection of green fruit is based on an inhibitory interaction between a green-sensitive receptor type and a blue-sensitive receptor type. This might explain the preference many herbivorous insects have for yellow over green stimuli. Pollen feeding in hoverflies might have evolved from yellow pollen being a super-normal stimulus for herbivorous insects. In butterflies, an additional red-receptor is involved in the colour choice for an oviposition substratum and leads to them choosing green and not yellow. The models introduced in this study open new perspective for a physiological understanding of the design of visual stimuli for monitoring and trapping pest insects.  相似文献   
大叶醉鱼草访花昆虫行为与活动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2009年4~9月对云南农业大学苗圃内栽植的大叶醉鱼草访花昆虫进行观察。结果表明,大叶醉鱼草的访花昆虫有63种,隶属双翅目、半翅目、膜翅目、鳞翅目、鞘翅目、革翅目和螳螂目;食蚜蝇科为大叶醉鱼草种群的主要传粉昆虫;不同月份访花昆虫的种类不同;天气变化会影响访花昆虫的种类和数量;同一天内不同时间,访花昆虫的访花频率有差异,一般每天12:00~16:00的访花频率最高。  相似文献   
宋海天  李保平  孟玲 《昆虫学报》2013,56(3):293-298
为揭示外来植物一年蓬Erigeron annuus上的本土访花昆虫多样性和影响访花行为的因素, 本研究在南京郊区进行了连续2年的野外调查, 采用跨栏模型分析了环境因素如何影响昆虫的访花选择性, 即接受概率(测度是否接受一年蓬花)和访问频数(测度接受一年蓬花的程度)。调查发现, 访问一年蓬花的昆虫共计9目54科145种, 其中, 科丰富度占优势的是膜翅目、 鳞翅目和鞘翅目(均占总科数的20.75%), 其次是双翅目(18.87%)和半翅目(13.21%); 物种丰富度占优势的是双翅目(26.39%), 其次是膜翅目(18.75%)、 半翅目(18.75%)、 鞘翅目(17.36%)和鳞翅目(15.38%)。多数目的物种丰富度在6-7月最高, 9月最低, 仅双翅目(食蚜蝇为主)在5月最高。运用跨栏模型对物种优势度最大的半翅目、 膜翅目和双翅目等的访花个体数量及其影响因素的分析结果表明: 影响半翅目和膜翅目对一年蓬花访问倾向(接受概率)的因素多于影响其访问频数的因素, 由此预测这些访花昆虫可能参考较多因素做出是否接受一年蓬花, 而依据较少线索做出访问程度的访花行为决策; 一年蓬植株密度影响半翅目和膜翅目昆虫的接受概率, 而花密度影响半翅目和双翅目昆虫的接受概率和访问频数, 说明靶标植物花的特性可能对访花昆虫的访花行为决策起主要作用。  相似文献   
在中国首次应用吸虫塔( suction trap)进行农田生态系统节肢动物群落调查和多样性分析.2010年4月7日-6月2日在河南省原阳县小麦田开展了吸虫塔采集节肢动物群落的研究.结果表明:在小麦冠层上部空间的节肢动物群落组成较为丰富,共采集有8目38科64种;不同时间优势集中性较高的种群均集中在双翅目和半翅目,其次是鞘翅目和膜翅目.其中采集的优势昆虫种类为:半翅目的荻草谷网蚜(Sitobion miscanthi)、禾谷缢管蚜(Rhopalosiphum padi)、双翅目的瘿蚊科(Cecidomyiidae)、摇蚊科(Chironomidae)、膜翅目的蚜茧蜂(Aphidiidae)等.从昆虫多样性分析来看,物种丰富度、总数量以及多样性指数随时间而变化,基本呈逐渐上升趋势,但均匀度变化趋势不明显.主要害虫与天敌盛发期在5月1日以后,蚜茧蜂盛发期比其寄主麦蚜迟10 ~20 d.  相似文献   
【目的】调查和观测内蒙古毛乌素沙地大和切叶蜂Megachile (Xanthosaurus) japonica Alfken对其蜜源植物披针叶黄华Thermopsis lupinoides (L.)的盗蜜行为。【方法】在披针叶黄华花期内, 设置样方观测披针叶黄华的主要访花昆虫。采用目测, 拍照等方法对大和切叶蜂盗蜜行为进行观测, 记录和统计花被盗蜜后留下的盗蜜孔的数量和在花上的位置。【结果】大和切叶蜂在披针叶黄华传粉蜂中数量上占有绝对的优势。作为初级盗蜜者时, 用上颚在花基部切割出一个纵向裂口, 将口器伸入孔内吸取花蜜。作为次级盗蜜者时, 利用已有的孔洞来吸蜜。在盗蜜时没有表现出寻找已经存在的盗蜜孔来吸蜜的现象, 同时其个体在盗蜜时表现出“偏好”花基部一侧的行为。在13个样地, 已开放花朵被盗蜜率最低为95.4%, 最高达到100%, 而未开放花朵的被盗蜜率最高则达到64.7%。【结论】在毛乌素沙地大和切叶蜂既是披针叶黄华的主要传粉者, 也是其初级盗蜜者和次级盗蜜者。  相似文献   
大叶铁线莲访花昆虫调查及盗蜜昆虫行为研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia DC. 的花朵大多下垂,需要传粉昆虫为其传粉,目前尚无关于其访花昆虫研究的报道。 通过2年的野外观察研究,共观察到27种昆虫访问大叶铁线莲。 发现有盗蜜行为的昆虫7种, 其中1种同时具有初级盗蜜和次级盗蜜行为,2种具有初级盗蜜行为,4种具有次级盗蜜行为;黄胸木蜂Xylocopa appendiculata Smith是主要的盗蜜昆虫,其盗蜜行为影响了其它昆虫的访花行为,对大叶铁线莲的传粉造成一定的影响。 在其余20种访花昆虫中,双带弄蝶Lobocla bifasciata (Bremer et Grey)、贡尺蛾Gonodontis aurata Prout、熊蜂Bombus sp.和姬蜂虻Systropus sp.是优势种; 而小青花金龟Oxycetonia jucunda Faldermann和日本条螽Ducetia japonica (Thunberg)访花频率最低,且访花目的只是取食花朵。 通过对大叶铁线莲访花昆虫的调查和盗蜜昆虫行为的研究,为大叶铁线莲的传粉生物学和保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   
矮紫金牛(Ardisia humilis)是优良的野生观赏植物。为探究该植物开花生物学与繁育系统特征,促进其杂交选育与园林应用,该研究以同质园引种的矮紫金牛为对象,对其开花物候、访花昆虫种类及访花行为进行观测,采用花粉离体萌发法和联苯胺-过氧化氢法,对花粉活力与柱头可授性进行检测,结合配子显微观测法和控制性授粉实验,对其繁育系统进行分析。结果表明:(1)花期为5月中下旬至6月中上旬,盛花期在5月底,单花、单株和群体水平的花期分别为1、17~20、25 d。(2)开两性花,雌蕊先熟,与雄蕊成熟期部分重叠,柱头可授性滞至雄蕊凋谢后1 d。(3)杂交指数(OCI)值为4,花粉/胚珠比(P/O)值为5.61×103,显示其繁育系统以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者。(4)自然授粉的结实率最高(平均52.96%),其次是自花授粉(52.29%)和人工异株授粉(50.33%),三者差异不显著(P> 0.05),但均显著高于人工同株授粉的结实率(28.67%)(P<0.05),显示矮紫金牛不仅异交亲和性强,还具有很强的自动自花授粉能力。(5)主要传粉昆虫包括隧蜂科...  相似文献   
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